Verification Checks

Our Verification Checks service is a reliable solution designed to authenticate and validate various aspects of individual information.

Our Verification Checks

Education & Qualifications

academic diplomas by reaching out to the relevant institution and/or checking public or private databases of graduates. Verified content may include dates of enrollment, major of study, graduation date, and details about the obtained diploma.

Employment History

professional experience by directly contacting HR departments or, if necessary, managers from current and/or previous employers. The verification process includes confirming and obtaining details such as start date, departure date, job role, reason for leaving, circumstances of termination, rehire eligibility, authenticity of employment contract, and salary information, among other relevant elements.

On-Site Inspection

Verifies the authenticity of a business through an impartial visual and operational analysis, utilizing physical on-site facility verifications conducted by specialized agents. These agents are assigned to offer insights into the facilities, ensuring a thorough assessment of legitimacy.

Professional Licensing & Membership

Confirms qualifications and professional licenses, including membership in professional organizations (e.g., associations, councils, etc.), certifications, registration in reference registries, credentials, declarations, and licenses.

References Verification

Verifies references by directly reaching out to one or more specified individuals (personal or professional, such as company director, line manager, customer, or third-party provider). This process involves identifying the nature of the relationship between the parties, validating the subject’s profile, confirming claimed achievements, and obtaining a general appreciation of the individual’s background.

Health Screening Results Verification

Validates health-related information obtained through screenings. Ensures the reliability and integrity of health screening results for individuals and organizations.

Healthcare Sanctions Check

Searches an individual or entity against official lists of sanctioned healthcare providers, ensuring compliance with regulations and safeguarding against potential risks in the healthcare industry.

Business Record Check

Verifies the official records and documentation associated with a business entity. This process ensures accuracy and transparency in assessing the legitimacy and compliance of the business.

Resume Verification & Analysis

Validates the information presented in resumes. Through a meticulous process, this service ensures accuracy, authenticity, and completeness of the details provided by individuals in their professional profiles.

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