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Our comprehensive range of screening services enables you to confirm
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Primary Source Verification

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Document Translation

Translation is the language of choice of any document provided.

Asset 1

Verifies educational diplomas by contacting the institution concerned and/or by consulting public or private databases of graduates.

Asset 6

Verifies any professional experience through direct contact with HR departments or, if unavailable, managers from current and/or former employers.

Asset 3
On-Site Inspection

Verifies the legitimacy of a business through an objective visual and operational analysis through physical on-site facility verifications performed by specialized agents.

Asset 5
Political Connections

Identifies links to any political party or leader.

License (2)
Professional License & Membership

Verifies any qualifications or professional licenses such as membership of a professional organization (eg. association, council, etc.)

Asset 2

Verifies references through direct contact with one or several designated individuals (personal or professional: eg. company director, line manager, customer, or a third-party provider)

Identity Check

Asset 7
Address Verification

Verifies with multiple information’s sources, if the address provided is associated with the Subject- Of-Inquiry (SOI).

Asset 8
Driving License Validation​

Validates an officially recognized driving license document provided by a subject.

License (2)
ID Validation

Validates an officially recognized ID document provided by a subject.

Asset 10
Right to Work (RTW) Verification

Verifies with the issuing authority that the proof of employment eligibility is valid and belongs to the subject.

Background Screening

Asset 18
Adverse Financial History Search

Searches adverse information on a subject’s negative financial history excluding credit history, through debt and tax-related public and private databases.

Asset 12
Bad Payment
History Search

Searches the subject’s consumer bad payment history with creditors such as banks, utilities, and landlords, whenever permissible in a jurisdiction.

Asset 13
Insolvency & Bankruptcy Search

Searches the subject’s personal insolvency/bankruptcy history through insolvency and/or bankruptcy registers, court or commission filings, and gazettes.

Asset 14
Civil Litigation Search

Searches the subject’s civil litigation records through publicly available court and tribunal filings.

Criminal Certificate Validation

Validates a criminal certificate or equivalent document issued by an authority and provided by the subject.

Asset 16
Court Search

Searches the subject’s criminal records through court records databases held by public authorities, government, or private agencies. No criminal certificate issued by an authority is provided.

Asset 17
Directorship Search

A search of the in-country business register and/or supplementary available public or private databases aimed at determining if a subject holds directorships or shareholdings in any commercial and/or non-commercial entities.

Asset 18
Financial Regulator Search

A search of a specific database managed by an in-country financial regulatory authority.

Asset 19
Global Sanctions Search

A global search aimed at establishing whether the subject is listed as a sanctioned person by financial regulators and other official national and international organizations and institutions.

Asset 20
Media Criminal
History Search

A search of negative criminal-related media articles or publications related to a Subject-Of-Inquiry (SOI).

Asset 21
Politically Exposed Persons (PEP) Search

A global search aimed at determining whether the subject can be considered a politically exposed person (PEP).

Asset 22
Adverse Social
Media Search

Searches social media to determine whether a subject has published or is related with illegal / reprehensive content.

Asset 23
Watchlist Search

A search of warnings and announcements, as well as lists published by financial authorities and supervisors, “wanted” lists from police departments, governments, national and international investigation authorities.

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