Proctoring & Invigilation

CleanSheet offers a hybrid proctoring model that leverages our expert delivery of live online proctoring, recorded proctoring, and advanced automated proctoring.

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Live proctoring

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A single human-monitored examination session, delivered in real-time

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Live intervention

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Accessibility accommodation

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Ideal for high-stakes exams (eg. Professional licensing & certification, admission-based standardized tests, language proficiency)

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Recorded proctoring

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Audio & video recordings are meticulously reviewed to authenticate the integrity of the examination session

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Prompt results submission

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Ideal for online education providers

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Advanced automated proctoring

Our powerful Artificial Intelligence (AI) system allows us to monitor and review examinations live in real-time and detect any irregularities. Some flagged actions include:

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Failure to maintain eye contact

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Screen monitoring

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Ideal for large-size educational institutions

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Advantages of our advanced automated proctoring

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Maintain assessment integrity

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Enforce examination protocols & procedures

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Protect your content and data

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Minimize suspicious and nefarious activity

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24/7 technology support

We provide turnkey in-person exam administration solutions to large-size educational institutions, with the capacity to administer and process the results of 30,000 students in a single week. We currently offer this service in the following countries:

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Saudi Arabia

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United Arab Emirates

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