
CleanSheet offers advanced recruitment strategies for hiring in education settings. We have successfully placed hundreds of full-time, part-time, and sessional faculty and staff in universities, colleges, institutions, and international schools.

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Our primary verification services deliver a comprehensive overview of candidate background and suitability, leading to a more informed decision-making process.

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Tailored solutions for academic settings

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Protect the safety of your workforce and student body

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Efficient and compliant onboarding

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CleanSheet’s long-standing partnership with leading international institutions for higher education led to the development of our niche proctoring and invigilation service.

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Maintain the integrity of test delivery

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Provide virtual monitoring of students

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Deliver in-person invigilation

Our powerful platform prioritizes international candidates who meet simplified migration requirements under international treaties, international labour agreements, cooperation agreements, and mobility programs to expedite relocation.

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Tell us what your business needs, and we’ll find the right screening solutions for you.

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