Criminal Background Checks

We deliver trusted background checks, providing essential insights for informed decisions. Ensure confidence in your choices with our reliable and thorough screening services.


Hire with CleanSheet

CleanSheet provides comprehensive and exhaustive criminal background checks to employers across industries. Our global presence, coupled with our dynamic network of international partners and agents, allows us to provide exceptional on-the-ground search and verification services. We reinforce our on-site checks with a significant investment in relevant monitoring and screening databases.

Asset 3

Advantages of running
Criminal Background Checks

Asset 4

Protect your reputation and brand

Asset 4

Minimize risk and save costs

Asset 4

On-site verification

Asset 4

Aggregate data search and compilation

Asset 4

Tailored due diligence reports

Our Criminal Background Checks

Civil Litigation Search

Searches the civil litigation records of the individual by accessing publicly accessible court and tribunal filings.

Criminal Certificate Search

Searches the individual’s criminal records by obtaining a criminal certificate or an equivalent document issued by a recognized authority within the country.

Criminal History Search

Searches the individual’s criminal records using databases and/or registries maintained by public authorities or government agencies, without the issuance of a certificate by any authority.

Local Criminal History Search

Searches the civil litigation records of the individual by accessing publicly accessible court and tribunal filings.

Criminal Record Monitoring

Continuous tracking and analysis of an individual’s criminal history, providing real-time alerts and updates in response to any changes or additions to their criminal records.

Court Search

Searches the individual’s criminal records by utilizing court records databases maintained by public authorities, government entities, or private agencies.

Media Criminal History Search

Searches adverse media articles or publications concerning a Subject-Of-Inquiry (SOI) with a criminal focus.

Adverse Social Media Search

Searches social media platforms to ascertain if a subject has posted or is associated with unlawful or objectionable content.

Watchlist Search

Searches alerts, notifications, and lists issued by financial authorities and supervisors, as well as “wanted” lists from police departments, governments, and national or international investigative authorities.

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